Monday 27 June 2022

A swanky new shower

 Have you ever had a new bathroom fitted?

That is what is happening here. The en-suite shower room may be the smallest room in the house but with it out of action it certainly makes an impact on our lives. 

While our lovely team are at work we have moved into the other bedroom, and use the family bathroom. Lucky that we can, I hear you cry. Yep, that is true. All the stuff we had tucked away in cupboards under the sink is now sitting forlorn and dusty in a cardboard box in the main bathroom. DH swears he cannot sleep in the "other" bed and this morning was awake preparing breakfast at 5.10am. I was out with Perla by 6.30 and we did not meet another soul! Pity it is raining, or we might have chosen a sunny spot to sit and listen to the birds singing.

Two more days should see us through and then we will be able to have a shower in our swanky new shower. DH has gone so far as to order new dispensers for soap, shampoo and conditioner to sit side by side in the shower recess.

Meanwhile, I'm off to move the bed we are sleeping in so that the electrician can gain access to the loft in order to fix the lights and stuff in the shower room. It is all go here.

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