Friday, 8 January 2021

Getting to grips with the dark mornings

 Getting to grips with the dark mornings now. 

Because we have no need of alarm clocks, we sleep while it is dark, unless something intervenes to wake us. Some days we have been waking as late as nine thirty, which is not good for getting to sleep the following night. But finally, with the solstice, we seem to have turned a corner and we are now waking while it is still dark. Today, for example, I was up, dressed and at my computer by 9am. 

Not that I am rushing to go outside. The weather is having difficulty deciding what it wants to do. Is it raining, snowing or sleeting?  Or none of the three? 

Every time I look out of the window, it is doing something different, but whatever it is, the temperature is very low. Tim is curled up on his bed, and I think I agree with him - we'll wait until closer to midday before we go out for our hour's exercise. Meanwhile, it is a good opportunity to continue proof reading my second edition of Abduction. At least 12,000 words have been removed and the whole thing smartened up. 

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