Wednesday, 6 January 2021

We have Snow!

We have snow! A light covering, but it has started to come down in big fat flakes. As of this moment I am not tempted to take Tim for his morning constitutional, and he is snuggled up behind me on what is laughingly referred to as "his" bed. 

I have a final read through of my newly edited ABDUCTION to begin. When I reduced it by almost 12 thousand words, and wrote more graceful sentences, I may well have  taken out more words than I intended! I'm also playing about with a new cover. 

I'm working up to a big house clean. It's that time of year, isn't it? Got the beds changed yesterday, finishing off the laundry today and with the heating on it is pretty easy to dry things. Lots still to go at!

(While I have written this, the snow has turned to rain and stopped falling. So we might just go for that walk after all!)

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