Sunday, 7 September 2008


After 48 hours of torrential rain, not only our back garden is flooded. This is the bridge at Corbridge
and this is the right hand extension of the bridge with

the debris marking the highest point of the flood which I imagine was after midnight last night.
Morpeth, on the River Wansbeck, was the worst hit with 1000 people flooded out between two and four am.
It must have been a worrying night for the house in the middle of the picture!

Standing on the same spot and swinging the camera to the left, and you can see the pools of standing water left behind when the river retreated to its proper banks. Normally in summer we would walk by the river's edge and look down five or six feet to the water. Not all the bridge arches would have water flowing through them and the poor trees now in the middle of the river would be standing proud on a long island. We found several drowned rabbits that cannot have moved fast enough last night - or they moved the wrong way.

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