Wednesday 4 September 2024

It might be right

 I am easily confused by the verb "may."

May, might. When to use?

May is the 3rd person singular in the present tense. ie "It may be true."

"You may well lose your way...."

May I come in?" (asks for permission)

"May he live to regret it..." ( a wish)

"Who are you, may I ask?" (Irony)

Might is the past tense of May (and often followed by "well" for emphasis)

Often used in reported speech expressing possibility, ie "He said he might come."

or permission, ie "He asked if he might leave."

or expressing a possibility not fulfilled, ie "if you'd looked you might have found it."

or expressing a wish, ie "You might call at the butchers."  "It might be true...."  "Might I have the pleasure of this dance?"

There are similar confusions with Shall/Should, Will/Would and Can/Could but I struggle through and I think I get it right most of the time!

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It might be right

 I am easily confused by the verb "may." May, might. When to use? May is the 3rd person singular in the present tense. ie "...