Wednesday 26 June 2024

Using an alias

 Finally recovered from travelling for two days to get back home.

Journeys that seemed exciting when I was twenty now seem to be

 much less exciting and much more tiring! Especially because 

I'm not doing any driving as I have a uncomfortable habit of 

falling asleep on those long French peages.

Since coming home I've gone back to my writing and am now pondering the big question - do I self publish in my new genre, or should I try the get an agent route?

I just looked at a submission page for a well known agency and  felt  they wanted me to be able to execute many things besides write a good book. Think of a one-line elevator pitch, they said, add a one-page synopsis and name three published books that would stand alongside mine. 

Well, heck, isn't that all part of a PR person's job?

I decided to try my hand at a murder mystery and the second draft is just about complete. I'm also toying with using a different name. Are there pros and cons on this?  My previous books all come under the general header of Romance but there's no romance in this new one. There might be, but not yet.

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It might be right

 I am easily confused by the verb "may." May, might. When to use? May is the 3rd person singular in the present tense. ie "...