Thursday 16 May 2024

Mystery v historical romance

 I recently finished  my first attempt at a murder mystery. 

I have to say it was far harder than writing historical romances.

Perhaps "harder" is the wrong word, for the focus is so very different. In the romance the research is all on costume and period features and once you've got that  in mind you are free to go and write the romance.

In a murder mystery I kept getting my cart before my horse, finding I'd repeated some clue more than once or worse still, missed one out! If and when I do another mystery, I shall be far more involved in the planning stage than I was this time. Truth be told I didn't really know where I was going when I set out. Now that may work out fine for the romance, but it doesn't do for a mystery story.

Lesson learned!

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It might be right

 I am easily confused by the verb "may." May, might. When to use? May is the 3rd person singular in the present tense. ie "...