Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Viking Wedding ~ the new book!

Advance news ~ I'm working hard on my new book. I've done a lot of work while I was on holiday, usually two hours a day, and  finally got the time scale straight.  It is a stand alone story but Flane and Emer, from Far After Gold, feature in it, which sort of tells you that it is a Viking tale. 

This one is set in Stornoway in the 11th century. I have another 20,000 words to write, and a difficult bit approaches, so yesterday I spent some time  doing a cover, and though it may change - or be a more "perfect" version, this will basically be it.

Oh - the title? Viking Wedding.

The break from writing to playing with Photoshop gives my thoughts time to settle into how I want to proceed with the "difficult" bit.

And when will it be ready? Another month should see it well on the way. I'll check back then.

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