The annals say the Vikings arrived in AD 841 and settled at Dubhlinn, and gave the name their own twist,
rendering it as Dyflinn and one or
two other variants which very much depended on the spelling powers of the
recorder. They moved toward Ath Cliath
by AD 900 possibly because the four major highways (defined as a road on which
two chariots could pass one another) converged on the town, which would
certainly have enhanced Viking trade. The name Ath Cliath means “a ford of hurdle-work,” so presumably it was also
right on the crossing point. The river was said to be 300 metres wide at high
tide with the ford only passable at low tide and then by a walkway constructed
of slippery saplings woven into a mesh and fixed on piles of some kind.
The ninth century Viking longphort
(a naval encampment) became a tenth century dun
or castle. Across the River Poddle which sweeps around the base of Dyflinn, stood the assembly place called
the Thingmot, anglicised as
Thingmount, a flat-topped mound where Norse assemblies were held. Nearby are
the burial mounds of the Scandinavian kings, known in Old Norse as haugr or haugar and believed to form the basis of the medieval name Hogges
or Hoggen green. (I’m rather inclined to believe the name might have something
to do with pigs, but what do I know?)
Three hundred metres to the north-east stands the Long
Stone, which commemorates either the first landing place, or the re-taking of
Dyflinn after one of the Hiberno-Norse battles, or both. One map shows the Long
Stone on a small island but as a bridge was built, the quays were dug out,
silting up of the river changed the shoreline; the Long Stone appeared to move
inland. Amlaib or Olafr Cuaran, father of Sitric Silkenbeard, is given credit
for colonising Dyflinn and building the defensive embankments along Wood Quay against
the warring Irish. Sitric continued the expansion of the town.
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