Monday, 23 May 2016

Thinking ahead

Sitting here late on Sunday night I'm wondering what I will need tomorrow. I will not be able to get into my study because we are having the interior of the house painted and our decorator is going to begin with the hall and stairs. Obviously that means ladders and platforms in order for him to reach the high bits and the ceiling. The other complication is Tim, who could cause chaos if he got into the scene and I do not want terracotta paw prints all over the beige carpets.

The plan is to open the living room doors onto the patio and keep the living room door to the hall and stairs tight shut. We can access the kitchen (and food!) via the patio. We had worked that out, but then once I had gone to bed I remembered I'd want to use my computer even though I might be watching some tennis, (Roland Garros 2016 has begun today). So that meant creeping out of bed and firing up the desk top so that I could e-mail my wip to myself and then tomorrow I can access it via the laptop, which is already downstairs in the living room. The thing is once I start looking around my study
at the things I use every day, I could end up with everything downstairs!

We walked along the river to the pub at Warden the other day and had a bowl of soup in the garden with Tim sitting beside us, behaving well. There's a lot of history in Warden - if you are interested, click here

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