Friday, 19 February 2016

What every aspiring writer needs

Sitting here in my study-cum-bedroom, I'm torn about what to do next. Go straight to re-editing my wip? Do some promo work?  (I badly need to do this). Make an effort to join Instagram and those other  new social media sites I keep hearing about? Finally organise a website rather than rely on a blog to do the work? Send out a submission on the wip? (The first ten chapters are re-edited and clean and given the waiting times these days....) Meet friends for coffee? Get an early lunch and walk the dog for an hour or two? Naturally this list absolutely ignores the housework I could be doing....

The one thing an author really needs is an assistant, hopefully one who is media savvy and can double as a PR person. What heaven that must be. An editor who actually wants to talk about  the wip and make intelligent suggestions on how to improve it would be great too, but sadly self-published authors often work alone. 

There are times when I get in such a muddle about what I need to do next that I throw the whole thing up in the air (metaphorically speaking) and whisk the dog out into the sunshine and forget about writing. There's a huge temptation to do that today.....

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Luckily I have diaries

 I have been adding one photograph per day to Facebook, utilising the old paper pics I have in my collection.  Most are fine though all I...