Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Wattpad, Blogs and PR

The Stat Counter tells me there have been 25,892 visits to my blog since 11th August 2009. The blog page itself shows 51,443 visits, but that might be from a shorter time span. Page views, however, total 93,345! The only way I can think to interpret that is by thinking the visits are what they say they are, but the Page Views must mean that once people visited, they read  more than one page while they were on the blog. if anyone knows any different, let me know!

I'm having such a good time working (and walking the dog!)  that I keep forgetting to do any promotion. Must go and stand on the Naughty Step. PR is such a part of Self Publishing that it mustn't be forgotten. I shall have to train myself to do some every day. On the other hand, I have ventured into Wattpad. It isn't easy to find out how to do things, but it seems worthwhile, with some interesting writing to look at. Should you wish to check out my page, try linking to this :

The cover I've chosen to use is the one up today.

Wattpad is a Canadian venture and I think Margaret Attwood has something to do with it, but not entirely sure. Lots of people use it, and put up stories for others to read and comment on. It's early days. My piece hasn't been up a week yet and already 120 people have read it. Not many comments though.

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Luckily I have diaries

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