Tuesday, 3 May 2011

It took nearly 25 minutes to load, but I think it may be OK. Let me know what you think!


Diane Scott Lewis said...

Nice job, Jen. I wish I could get my prose to slow down on my trailer, or perhaps I'm too wordy!
Yours was simple and direct.

Jennifer Pittam said...


I like the trailer. The music is great, and the plot sounds exciting. The pictures of Stirling made me cry, as I haven't been for so long. Hope to read your book soon.

Jennie Pittam

Debra E. Marvin said...

ooooh, I love it. Just as I pictured it in my head while reading Matho's story!

Great job Jen! Thanks for sharing that amazing trailer (and hanging in through all the technical grief).

Ursula said...

It's beautiful! Great job with it, I would have no idea how to do that.

Vicky said...

Loved critiquing the book -- and the trailer captures the story's intrigue! Well done!

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