Monday, 2 May 2011


I am befuddled and frustrated. I have another version of the trailer to upload and I can't get it on here, nor can I get it on Youtube in spite of several attempts. Neither tells me why, so I'm in the dark. Yet I've made the trailer in exactly the same way as I made the earlier one, which uploaded here without a problem. All I can do is delete that one, and see if that makes a difference. Aren't computers hell when they don't do what you want and won't tell you why?

I'm one of those who spent rather a lot of time watching the wedding on tv on Friday. Can't help it - the chance to see bits of Westminster Abbey, the Household Cavalry, watch the fashion parade... my vote went to Pippa Middleton for the surprise dress of the day - so elegant and understated, yet so eyecatching. She got the vote of most from the men in the streetparty later, too.

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