Saturday, 31 July 2010

Castle for sale

Today the temperature is going up and up, so we stopped doing anything active by 10.30! 31 degrees is forecast by midday. Sheets are drying out in the sun, and the heat is bouncing off the roof tiles. For the next four or five hours we’ll do very little physically, but it’s an excellent time to think, read and add a little more to my new wip. We’ve had about ten days of cloudy weather – always warm, somewhere around 24 degrees, but little sun, so this makes a nice change.
It would be a good time to go through Matho’s story and take out all those unnecessary words…you know them, I’m sure:- that, a little, felt, seemed, very, began to, down. We all have those little ticks. I’ve developed a new one - a habit of announcing what my character is going to do or feel, and then having them do or feel it. It’s a warning for me to take note – our bad habits don’t necessarily die as we progress; (if I'm progressing, that is!) but they may change! Anyone else found that?

In case you were interested in buying a castle, I’ve added more pics. According to the short history posted outside, it has been around since Norman times, and I must admit it makes me picture a fair-haired damsel with a single long plait of hair down to her heels peering into the distance from the balcony, waiting for her lover whose ridden off to the wars...
It’s in an idyllic village called Montclard St Georges off the D21 north of Bergerac. Click here to look at a Google image of the countryside, but take no notice of the A blob supposed to pinpoint the castle. Look instead for the triangle of roads and the castle-like shadow to the east side of said triangle – that’s the castle.
I do wonder about the asking price…. but the A Vendre sign stuck on the castle wall doesn't give any clues. Perhaps a potential buyer is supposed to wander up to the door, should he be able to find it, and say, I'll give you ten grand for it, whaddyesay?


Vicky said...

I asked my husband whether he wanted to buy a castle in France and he's all for it. Till he found out it was a fixer-upper. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your nice site and very useful and interesting ideas!

Anonymous said...

Interesting post, amazing ideas. Keep writing!

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