Tuesday 5 September 2023

Mixed genres

Me in days of yore
 Nearly finished the wip.

Except that the word count is not what I want it to be. 

The main protagonists didn't get it together in the way I wanted when I started out. In fact they didn't get it together at all. And I haven't written the final chapter yet.  Why haven't I? Because I can't decide what the ending is.

This isn't a historical romance. In that genre, it is usually pretty easy to decide when the end is actually the end. But my current experiment is perhaps a cozy mystery, or perhaps a gentle police procedural (if such a thing is possible) or maybe just a murder mystery. I guess the end is when the murderer confesses all and the reader knows "whodunnit."

Alongside all that, there are the usual editing moans of glitches and typos, double spaces instead of single and three periods instead of one, never mind the comma and the full stops splattering the  the whole thing. 

All that plus the usual misspellings, plot holes and characters misnamed. It's a this point where I long to move onto something else, something new and different because to be honest, I'm bored with reading and re-reading searching for things to correct. I'm bored with making the hero more romantic and wondering if I've got my genres mixed up. Is it possible to mix genres?  Mash-up romance and thriller? Doubt it.

The only answer is to get on and finish the thing. Then I can be free of it ....

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