Sunday, 24 January 2021

Free courses

 Doing one of the free courses that abound on the internet these days is not easy. 

I am required to work! At first I seemed to make no headway, but I persevered, and today the number of impressions has shot up to over 2 thousand. That means the ads were display over two thousand times. Not that anyone has bought anything yet, but it is progress in the right direction. I think it has cost me the grand total of 17 cents so far.

I shall persevere and see if things improve. After all, the goal is profit!

I am not doing any PR on Twitter or Facebook  right now, as any results I want to be able to see as due to Amazon.

We keep getting light snowfalls, but nothing  to worry about. It was -4 here overnight, and won't get warmer than 2 degrees all day today. It has been like this for a few days now and even Tim isn't keen to go out. 

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