Sunday, 30 June 2019

Still overheated!

Crossroad advertising!
Friday 28th June A cloudy 22 degrees this morning so we took Tim for a walk up the road while we had the chance. At the crossroad a new notice has appeared. There is going to be a soiree dansant with a repas and artifice de feu tomorrow night about five miles away, so no doubt we will hear the fireworks going off if nothing else. By midday the clouds disappeared, and the temperature started going up; had a swim after 7pm and then sat in the sun for a while but soon retreated to the shade of the lower patio.

Saturday 29th June. Slept badly so took Tim for an early morning walk – 6.20am. It was so foggy we couldn’t see the other side of the fields but no doubt it will soon lift. Every field has hay bales – those huge rolls of hay like toilet rolls – dotted around. Moisture was dripping from every leaf as we walked beneath the trees. Montpellier recorded 45.9 yesterday, a European record.
But by midday the sun broke through and the temperature shot up. We did our best and added the fan to move air around, but Tim panted all evening. We hosed him down and draped wet towels over him, but he was not a happy dog.

Sunday 30th June Happily he seems fine this morning. He’s been out for two walks already, one around the neighbouring fields and it is only 10.30. No hesitation on eating his breakfast biscuits, either. The forecast is for 30 degrees today, so I may decamp downstairs into the mill room where it is so much cooler. We feel trapped by such oppressive heat; no trips out, not many pcs; thank goodness for the pool! (13 lengths now plus lots of fooling/floating around.

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