23rd June
Couldn’t decide what the weather was going to be today. It didn’t look like a
31 degree day, but then we’ve been wrong before. I had a lazy morning, reading
and breakfast in bed while Bill got up and went out to shift all the fallen
Virginia creeper over to the big heap beside the stream. I joined him
(eventually) and shifted the debris from where the honeysuckle at the side of
the house had been cut down. I had made a little pile and it made a barrow
load, but to be honest, by the time, I had wheeled it over to the ever-growing
pile by the stream, I decided it was too hot to work today. The 32 degree
forecast had come true. Bill was working in the shade on the lawn mower, which
we didn’t think had been used in quite a while. After various tweaks and
problems rectified, it burst into life! – much to Bill’s surprise.
that a swim in the pool and 7 lengths accomplished. . The duck we had for
dinner was delicious.
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