I went into town yesterday afternoon to see a live transmission from the Bolshoi Ballet Theatre in Moscow. They were dancing La Sylphide, and it was worth the effort. But what surprised me was how busy the Gateshead Metrocentre and Newcastle city centre were - both were absolutely buzzing. I had thought that because it was Sunday there would be silent streets, closed shops and I'd feel lonely. Not a bit of it!
Hardy souls sat around outside drinking coffee - probably becuase they're smokers and are not allowed to smoke inside any building - and the UK climate is rarely conducive to sitting around outside unless you want frostbite. Others rushed around in family groups. It seems retail therapy has become a family activity. It's a far cry from the days when Sunday was a day for worship, everyone went to church and no shops opened. At least that way everyone had a quiet day and went back to work on Monday rested and refreshed. Now it seems there's no down time; no time to take a quiet breath and review the week that's just gone by. In many ways, it's a pity. But on the other hand, it is so convenient to be able to do what you want when you want. If a quiet Sunday is your thing, no one is stopping you - enjoy it!
You obviously haven't been into town on a Sunday recently, Jen. I rarely go either, but I'm always surprised how busy it is, too. The ballet sounds wonderful!
You are right!It must be decades since I was in town on a Sunday and that was for a Sunday morning Quayside market, not the town itself.
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