Monday, 9 May 2011


My new cover arrived yesterday, along with the final edits, and the publication date is mid-May - as long as there are no snags!
I hardly dare touch the final edits in case I hit the wrong button and skew the whole thing. I imagine that setting the novel out in it's final form takes a great deal of time and effort, so I must be careful. I like the cover, too - I've always liked purple and orange together.

This is the story of the girl and the ancient watermill in France...she thinks she's been extremely daring to go on holiday with a wonderful man she's only just met, has to keep her own secrets and convince him the mill has a pair of ghostly lovers - and then meets a Frenchman who thinks she's his soulmate.

The outline of this story was published briefly by Triskelion (for something like a fortnight!) before they went bankrupt, but since then I've re-written the story and added about thirty thousand words, so it is much better than it was originally. It was one of my first stories, and I've improved mucho as a writer since I wrote the first draft!


Unknown said...

Congratulations! And that's a beautiful cover - definitely an attraction to pick the book off the shelf and check it out.

Victoria Dixon said...

Lovely! The colors really make it stand out.

Maggi Andersen said...

Great cover Jen! Hope you sell a garage full.

Debra E. Marvin said...

very nice, Jen! I wish you much success with it. It's a picker-upper and a glance at your writing should keep their interest!

Anita Davison said...

Lovely cover, Jen and your editors sound very professional.The best of luck with the new release

Anonymous said...

be happy and love. kiss

Historical Writer/Editor said...

Nice cover, Jen! :) -Laura

Hazel Osmond said...

Lovely cover Jen... good luck with it.

  I saw these 10 reasons why an e-book isn't selling on a screen that flashed by me today. Maybe it applies to only one person, or maybe...