Monday 10 January 2011

Too tired to write

If the weather was odd yesterday, it was even odder today. We got to Gornergrat and thought the sun was coming through the cloud, but a couple of runs later we noticed that the Matterhorn had disappeared from view. It was never wholly clear, but it was there as a shadowy presence. Looked around and saw the cloud coming up the valley as if someone had laid a grey blanket over our heads. Time to head down the mountain.
We fetched up in one of the hotel’s two Jacuzzi, both brand new, and fabulous. The whole of the pool complex has been re-done in the two years since we’ve been guests.
Then tea and cake and a brisk walk around Zermatt. All this exercise is good for me, but it leaves me with little interest in writing, either longhand or directly to my mini laptop. I’ve noticed this before, and conclude that writing requires physical energy. You’d think that using your legs would not stop the brain working, but it seems that it does, in my case at least.
It's just a pity that sitting writing doesn't suppress the appetite because then it would be easy to stay svelte and slim. Seems that doesn't work either.
Makes me want to say a rude word, but I won't give in to such temptation.

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