Sunday, 25 July 2010

The old town

For two days there has been a nasty smell in the kitchen. I disinfected the sink, scrubbed the tiles of the surround, emptied all the rubbish into the outside bin, left doors and windows open and still the smell persisted. If anything, it grew stronger. This morning, we found out why. A small mouse had gnawed its way into the toaster and couldn’t get out. Its tail gave the game away. Since the outer casing is made of moulded plastic we have no way of opening it, so the whole toaster is, well – toast. We’ll buy a new one to replace it, but the dilemma is where shall we put it so the same thing doesn’t happen again?
That’s three things that have died on us, so I hope we’ll have no more .
I spent a couple of hours clearing out dead wood (sorry!) and brambles from the drive, and another hour or two sunbathing after four o’clock. Did a bit of editing but fell asleep over it. I keep telling myself that's not a bad sign; it simply means I was tired.
Picture of the old town in Bergerac.


TheInvisibleWorm said...

Hi Jen

Dropped by to see how you are doing. Congratulations on the book - I love the cover. Lucky you - France!


Anonymous said...

Hi Louise, how are you? Noticed your blogs had sort of stuttered to a halt last November and wondered...

  I saw these 10 reasons why an e-book isn't selling on a screen that flashed by me today. Maybe it applies to only one person, or maybe...