Tuesday 11 August 2009

Me, at Cragside

Me, the other day at Cragside. Splendid day out
and the National Trust would be pleased that so many people wanted to visit the house - there was a queue!
Not just for a little while, either, but all the time we were there. The estate is big enough to absorb an awful lot of people so we didn't feel crowded out.
I'm at that tricky time writing wise. I need to start something new, but can't decide among several ideas. Which one do I want to work with for the next three months? Or six months? FAR AFTER GOLD is out and TILL THE DAY GO DOWN is scheduled for November as long as the sky doesn't fall down. I'm waiting on an agent's response to RELUCTANCE and not getting too hopeful, but I need to start on something else. How does anyone decide?
Tudor time period, perhaps? A follow up to FAG? M'mmm, I'll sleep on it. Again.
Eventually I suppose I'll make a decision. Maybe I should try roughing out an outline for several storylines and see which comes easiest? I think it is always easier to start with an outline. I know some authors sit down and say Goody, what shall I write today? and then they just go with the flow and see what comes. They must have very good subconcious minds to get it all to fit together when they don't know what the the next chapter will bring, and I'm not sure I could do that. I'll try the outline method. I suppose if I wrote a historical character's life I'd know what the ending would be - that would make it easier, and if the personage is well known, then there's no hiding it. Start the first page with Mary Stuart's beheading, because we all know that's where she ended; the question is How Did She Get There?


AnneMarie Brear said...

Lovely photo of you, Jen!

Anita Davison said...

Great photo, Jen. I need an outline to work to as well, or my storyline tends to go off at a tangent and I lose track of where I'm supposed to be. One thing which always works for me - pick a time period and start the research - the ideas always jump out at me when I 'put myself' there.

Jen Black said...

Thanks, ladies. If you think it's a natural laugh - it was! There was a queue of people behind Bill waiting patiently to get past him while he squatted on the narrow bridge framing his picture exactly as he wanted it.

Should we let readers hang?

  I had never heard of the Concluding Preposition Opposition Party but it does exist. I have heard of the American dictionary Merriam-Webste...