Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Far After Gold

This morning I discovered courtesy of colleague Anne Whitfield that my book Far After Gold is listed on the Historical Novel Society list of forthcoming books for February 2009 - check here
It is an exciting feeling! The book is undergoing copy-editing at the moment, and soon I will get the results. I'm not sure what to expect. Will huge changes be required, or only a little gentle tweaking? I really should start thinking of PR. What I need is a Press Pack, but it sounds much too grand for me! Still, I'd better do something about it.

The short blurb says : the heartening love story of a 10th-century Christian girl from the Hebrides kidnapped and sold as a slave to a pagan Viking


Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations on "Far After Gold" and best wishes for it.

As a start on the PR thing, why not try for an interview with any local newspapers, radio stations etc.


Jen Black said...

Thanks Romy. I shall have to do something, but it doesn't come easily...

  I saw these 10 reasons why an e-book isn't selling on a screen that flashed by me today. Maybe it applies to only one person, or maybe...