Friday, 20 November 2020

Mailchimp Woes

  It's make your mind up time. 

Mailchimp want to close the account I have not used in 23 months, which is fair enough. I got the first newsletter out successfully, but then could never figure out how to send the same format with a newer message! Call me Mailchimp challenged!

I get twinges of guilt for all those lovely people who signed up to receive and then - after the initial letter - nothing. You have my apologies, wherever you are. I really should try again before the seven days are up.

In 7 days time my new novel will be published on Amazon, so I am  looking at my hit-and-miss PR methods with a view to improving them. Facebook seems to be going down and really makes it hard to read things because of the adverts. Twitter is good  and I haven't explored any of the other things available these days. Mailchimp ought to be good for me, if only I can master it. Time to get going, perhaps?


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