Early History

The Scots
The invaders were called
Scots. (Yes, the original Scots were a tribe from Northern Ireland). The Scots
established the kingdom of Dalriada in both what is now Northern Ireland and
the south west of Scotland. By the 9th century the Irish Dalriada succumbed to
Viking raids, but in Scotland the Dalriadan kings established themselves and
withstood constant Viking pressure from all sides.
The Vikings
Monasteries of the time owned
sufficient wealth to attract Viking marauders. Lindisfarne on the east coast of
Northumberland was raided in 793 and Iona, on the west coast of Alba, three
times in a decade (in 795, 802 and 805). Even monasteries which seemed secure
on inland rivers fell victim to longships rowing upstream. During the 9th
century, the raiders settled in the Scottish islands and the Isle of Man and
seized territory on the mainland of both Britain and Ireland. In 838 Norwegians
captured Dublin and established a Norse kingdom in Ireland. From 865 the Danes
settled in eastern England.
The MacAlpin line
A recognizable Scottish
kingdom had appeared by the mid-9th century. Some suggest the year 843 to be
the important date, but it was Kenneth MacAlpin, king of the Scots since 840,
who won acceptance as king of both Picts and Scots. The MacAlpin kings took
Strathclyde and Lothian into Scotland and Kenneth's male descendants provided
kings for the next two centuries. The separate Pictish kingdom disappeared. All
that remains are the beautiful carvings of weird beasts.
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