I saw these 10 reasons why an e-book isn't selling on a screen that flashed by me today. Maybe it applies to only one person, or maybe it applies to all e-book authors. It makes you realise what hard work it takes to be a successful author and actually make money these days.
At first it all seemed really good for authors but Amazon realised they were being too generous and made some changes. Now they are making money but I doubt most authors are. Maybe it's time to give up?
- 1) You’re up against millions
- 2) You’re not considering the direct competition
- 3) You haven’t thought about the audience at all
- 4) You’re trying to draw from an empty well
- 5) You haven’t built your personal platform
- 6) Your book cover is not good enough
- 7) Your pricing strategy is incorrect
- 8) You have unrealistic expectations
- 9) You’re not marketing yourself
- 10) Negative reviews